Our books have received nearly 200 positive reviews and recommendations in leading international media of 23 countries.

Review in Druckmarkt

1. August 2015Druckmarkt

Klaus-Peter Nicolay, editor-in-chief of Druckmarkt, an independent German language magazine for the graphic design industry, reviews our book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in a detailed analysis.

Virtuoso Life

15. June 2015Virtuoso Life

Virtuoso Life, an award-wining travel magazine, mentions ”Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” in its Travel Dreams Issue of July/August 2015.


18. May 2015Stylelinkin.com

We are happy to report another interesting review of the book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” by stylelinkin.com.

Review from Seattle

28. April 2015Seattle PI

Another positive review of our design book “Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975” can be found on the Seattle PI website.

Review in Design-Report

20. February 2015Design-Report

Another positive review of „Airline Visual Identity 1945-1975“ was published in Germany’s Design-Report magazine. The magazine’s editors are impressed by the collection of exceptional images and by the quality of the book.