Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Premium Edition

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Premium Edition

[rev_slider_vc alias=”airline-visual-identity-premium-edition”] Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 reconstructs the visual language of thirteen pioneering airlines at different points in time. The visual identity of airlines was the most complex…

Pan Am: History, Design & Identity Premium Edition

Pan Am: History, Design & Identity Premium Edition

…a beautifully branded carry-case.” Monocle “A breathtaking, oversized coffee table book, beautifully designed and featuring more than 900 illustrations.” AIR & SPACE by SMITHSONIAN Matthias C. Hühne (*1968) is a…

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Standard Edition

Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 Standard Edition

[rev_slider_vc alias=”airline-visual-identity-standard-edition9″] Airline Visual Identity 1945 – 1975 reconstructs the visual language of thirteen pioneering airlines at different points in time. The visual identity of airlines was the most complex…

Pan Am: History, Design & Identity Standard Edition

Pan Am: History, Design & Identity Standard Edition

[rev_slider_vc alias=”pan-am-history-design-identity-standard”] Pan Am: History, Design & Identity is the captivating story of an airline company that refused to consider anything impossible and single-handedly revolutionized air travel despite ­innumerable technical,…